What’s Considered a Dental Emergency?

When you’re dealing with severe tooth pain or another dental complication, acting fast is extremely important. If you wait too long, this could make the problem much worse. However, how do you know you’re dealing with a dental emergency? How can you tell if your dental issue needs immediate attention?

In this post, we’ll talk about what qualifies as a dental emergency, including what to do next.

Gum Abscess

If you notice a gum abscess, try to see the emergency dentist right away. Make sure to never drain or pop the abscess on your own, as this can cause further complications. The emergency dentist can diagnose the problem and properly drain the abscess. Depending on the extent of the issue, you may need a root canal or even a tooth extraction.

If you need dental care right away, contact the experts at Simple Dental. We offer fast and reliable emergency dental services in Morristown, TN!


Although toothaches are extremely common, they can be a serious concern. If you’re experiencing a toothache, check to see if you have food caught between your teeth. Flossing and using mouthwash can help. If that doesn’t alleviate the discomfort or the pain is severe, schedule an appointment with an emergency dentist. Remember, acting quickly is vital!

Knocked-Out Tooth

If a tooth is knocked out of your mouth, see an emergency dentist immediately. In fact, within 30 minutes is preferred. Also, try to obtain the knocked-out tooth, but don’t pick it up by the roots. Grab the tooth on the top or sides, rinse it, then try to place the tooth back into the socket. If that doesn’t work, wrap the tooth in gauze and submerge it in milk. If you fail to keep the tooth moist, it can dry out and crack.

Loose Tooth

Whether it’s from natural chewing or hitting your tooth on something, a loose tooth is very common. This issue can be serious on some occasions. If you have severe pain or notice anything unusual, call an emergency dentist to determine what to do next. If you’re not experiencing much discomfort, try to see a dentist within a few days.

Contact Simple Dental today for trusted emergency dental services in Morristown, TN!



What to Do If You Knock Out a Tooth

Ask any dentist in Morristown, TN, and they will tell you that dental emergencies can happen at any time. Unfortunately, if you aren’t prepared or don’t know what to do, that incident could result in permanent tooth loss. Knocking out a tooth is one of those dental emergencies. So let’s go over exactly what you need to do immediately after knocking out a tooth if you want to save it.

What to Do If You Knock Out a Tooth

Knocking out a tooth is considered a medical emergency, and how quickly you act will determine the outcome. If your child loses a baby tooth, don’t try to re-insert it but take your child to the dentist right away. However, things are different if you knock out an adult tooth.

If you knock out an adult tooth, try to put it back in place as best you can, then go to your dentist immediately. Time is of the essence. If you can’t see your regular dentist immediately, you might need to go to an emergency dental service.

If you can’t put that tooth back in place while you get to the dentist, go ahead and rinse that tooth in milk (not water), then put that tooth in some milk (not water) to preserve it while you are driving to the dentist or emergency dental service.

Step By Step Instructions for a Knocked-Out Tooth

  • Locate the knocked-out tooth.
  • Only handle that tooth by the crown (the top white part of the tooth), never by the root.
  • Rinse the tooth with milk or lick it if you don’t have any milk readily available.
  • Try to put your tooth back into its original position (unless it’s a baby tooth).
  • Bite on a cloth to hold that tooth in place while you make your way to the dentist.
  • Get to your dentist immediately or an emergency dental service if your dentist is not available.

The sooner a knocked-out tooth is re-implanted, the more likely that tooth can be saved. If you just have a broken tooth in Morristown, TN, locate the tooth fragment, store it in some milk, and see your dentist as soon as possible.

What’s Next

If you need a dentist in Morristown, TN, or any of the surrounding areas, please Contact Simple Dental today. We pride ourselves on providing quality, compassionate care in a comfortable environment.

3 Reasons to See an Emergency Dentist

When you think about emergencies, you might think more of emergency rooms and emergency doctors. However, emergency dental care in Morristown, TN is just as important when it comes to preserving your health, and it’s important to know when to call them.

Severe Pain

No matter how tough you think you are, severe pain is a reason to see an emergency dentist. It’s not that you can’t handle it on your own, it’s that you might have an infection or an exposed nerve, both of which can lead to serious damage to your body. Abscessed teeth can lead to anything from fever to heart problems.

Knocked Out Tooth

If you’re looking for an emergency dentist in Morristown, TN, it may be because you have a knocked out tooth. The faster you see a dentist, the more likely they can reinsert your tooth. While bridges and implants are excellent ways to fill in your mouth if there’s no other option, the truth is that you’re almost always better off trying to keep your mouth as intact as possible.

Broken Crown

Crowns are often put on top of a root canal, meaning the nerve below it is already dead. So while you may not feel anything if the crown breaks off at some point, that doesn’t mean it’s not an emergency. To prevent further damage, you should contact a dentist immediately so it can be replaced.

Emergency Dentists in Morristown, TN

If you’re experiencing a true emergency, it can be frustrating to try and find skilled professionals at the drop of a hat. At Simple Dental, we offer an Urgent Care Clinic that you can count on when you need it the most. Our staff can mobilize quickly, so you can get the relief and attention you need.